通过对隧道复合式衬砌的支护抗力分析 ,并利用结构承载力设计法分别计算了隧道围岩承载环、砂浆锚杆和混凝土喷层的承载能力 ,得出了公路隧道复合式衬砌结构承受的支护抗力大小。和现场实测的喷层应力值对比表明 ,两结果基本吻合。
This article is composed in combination with on-site scientific program on NATM operation monitoring by Key Road construction command post of Sichuan Province. Through analysis on support pressure of composite lining in tunnel, this article figure out the support pressure shouldered by composite lining in highway tunnel after getting the bearing capacity of tunnel surrounding rock bearing ring?mortar bolt and concrete spray-up by using designing method of structure bearing capacity. When the support pressure is compared with the actual spray-up stress, they are basically similar. As a result, several conclusion with significant importance are arrived.
Ground Pressure and Strata Control