

An analysis of the difficulties in quadrupling China' s national economy again
摘要 在20世纪最后20年,我国国民经济实际上翻了3.2番,超额完成了翻两番的任务。在21世纪前20年,我国国民经济要再翻两番,即按可比价格计算使2020年的中国GDP达到2000年的4倍,从我国现有资源储备来看将是十分艰巨的任务。 In the last 20 years of the 20th century ,China increased its national economy by 6.4 times,making it more than quadrupled.In the first 20 years of the 21st century, China's national economy will be quadrupled again.that is,China's GDP in 2020 will be 4 times that in 2000 in terms of comparable price, which will be an arduous task as far as national resources reserve is concemed.
作者 王潼
关键词 中国 国民经济 日本 经济规模 台湾省 石油资源 矿产资源 China's national economy quadruple restrictive factors
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