本试验以 2a生无花果“麦司依陶芬”为对象 ,用C13 元素示踪的方法 ,研究其秋季同化物的贮藏部位与第二年春的贮藏养分转运去向。结果表明 :休眠期的贮藏养分 ,地下部多于地上部 ;根系中C13 元素百分比的高低顺序是 :粗根 >中等粗细的根 >细根。发芽后 2 0d ,C13 元素百分比减少最多的部位是 :1a生枝条。此时 ,新梢生长主要消耗枝条内的贮藏养分 ,为此 ,要确保春季的新梢生长 ,应在秋季基施速效性肥料并保护根系。发芽后 5 0d ,C13 元素百分比减少最多的部位是中等粗细的根。这一时期 ,处于新生养分与贮藏养分转换的时期 ,新梢 3~ 4节腋芽的花芽已分化 ,其生长主要消耗中等粗细根内贮藏的养分。养分不足是果实脱落的直接原因 ,要重视春季的追肥。
The photo synthesis products and the transpotration dinection in the two year old plants of fig varliely'MASUIDAFING' in the fall and the Next spring were studied by C 13 .the results show that the amount of nutrients stored in the ulderground parts in more the than that in the abovegronrd pants during the dormant periold.The sequences from high to lover are large roots,medial roots and small roots.twenty days after bud bursting,the matrient amount was decreased mosf in one year old shoots pecause that was consumed by new shot grouth therefone,th-tertilizer should eaddou in the fall in order to proteat roots and to sport the shoot growth in the next spring.gifty days after shoot growing,the nutrient was decreased most in the medial roots which lvasused to spovt new shoot growth and flower bud differentiation,so that ferlilizing in the spring should be deeply concerned.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition