From 1983 to 1995. 18patients with obstructive jaundice secondary to hilar mass were performed with transc-holecystic bed right hepatic duct cathetering drainage and Rouxen-y cholecystojejunostomy to relieve jaundice. The preopera-tive diagnosis was made by B-ultrasonograph CT and PTC. Causes of obstruction were of primary high bile duct carcinoma in 8. of common bile duct carcinoma in 4. of metastatic carcinoma in 5, and of unknown cause in 1. The results were satisfied after the operation. The survival time was 2 years in 2 patients, 12 months in 12, 4 months in one, and another case survived till now, but clinical findings were nomal after one year of the operation. It is belived that this operation of combining external drainage with internal drainage had no bile retransfusion difficulty after single external drainage and no any operative difficulty and complication of single internal drainage, and had advantages of both internal and external drainages.
Chinese Clinical Oncology