下面两组数字不能不令人深省: 1.每年,中国船厂在国际上拼死拼活挣得100多万吨新船订单的同时,国内船东(买船的航运公司)却也同时让这么多的订单飘扬过海,最高年份曾高达250万吨。 2.目前,在中国,方便旗船舶数量所占比重已明显失衡。资料表明,在中国境内登记注册的挂中国五星红旗的船舶共1880艘、1600万载重吨;而在国外登记注册,挂方便旗的船舶共550艘、2015万载重吨,约占中国远洋船舶总吨位的55.74%。 无论是中国轮船外国造,还是中国船舶海外移籍,都涉及到“融资”这一敏感话题。
Ship financing, though a sensitive subject, is an important factor of many issues, tike those involving building Chinese ships abroad or Chinese ship flying foreign flag. Embarrassed by the current financing system in China, our shipbuilding can't be grow faster. The report analyzes the situation and the problems of the current financing system faced by our shipbuifding industry, and some proposals have also been outlined regarding the solution of the problems.
China Ship Survey