研究型学习是当前教育界的一个热点论题。本文简单介绍了研究型学习的特点 ,详细介绍了将研究型学习应用于计算机程序设计实践教学——综合程序设计的一个尝试过程。选题是研究型学习过程的核心和关键 ,综合程序设计研究的课题及内容由学生自己确定 ,解决问题的办法也是由学生自己设计。研究型学习看重过程 ,即培养大学生研究能力、创新能力的过程。我们不要求学生编出成熟的软件 ,但看重这“不成熟”的第一步是自己迈出的。
Research based study is a top hot topic in education currently. This article introduced the basic characters of research based study, revealed an attempt application of research based study in teaching of program design course. The tasks and contents of Comprehensive Program Designing course were selected by the students, and the methods to solve the questions are also planned by themselves. Research based study looks highly at the procedure of developing in research ability and creativity of students, and looks highly at the immature first step developed by the students themselves.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education
教育部 21世纪初高等教育教学改革项目"电气与电子信息类专业人才培养改革成果的整合与深化"