目的 :总结老年性肠梗阻的临床特点 ,治疗方法及效果 ;方法 :对 1 997年到2 0 0 1年间我科收治的 65岁以上 2 1 2例肠梗阻病人进行分析 ;结果 :病因明确 2 0 4例(96.2 % )中机械性肠梗阻 1 76例 (86.3 % ) ,而肿瘤引起肠梗阻 86例 (42 .2 % ) ,原因不明 8例 (3 .77% )。非手术治疗 1 0 2例 (48.1 % ) ,手术治疗 1 1 0例 (51 .9% )。术后并发症 1 2例 ,死亡 1 5例 (7.1 % ) ,其中急性肠梗阻及肠梗阻有合并症者 6例 (2 .8% ) ;结论 :2 0 4例肠梗阻以粘连性肠梗阻、肿瘤性肠梗阻最常见 ,粘连性肠梗阻 94例 (46.1 % ) ,肿瘤性肠梗阻 62例 (3 0 .4% ) ,肿瘤性肠梗阻以直肠癌及左半结肠癌多见。老年性急性肠梗阻及合并其它疾病的肠梗阻病情进展快 ,术后并发症高 ,死亡率高。强化围手术期治疗 ,预防肠道感染及时有效手术治疗 ,合理的术式选择是提高治愈率、降低并发症及死亡率的关键。
Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of treatment in patients with senile intestinal obstruction. Method: The data in our hospital from 1997 to 2001 of 212 cases with intestinal obstruction, over aging 65 years, were reviewed. Results: The machinery obstruction, tumor-induced, no causes, non-operated and operated obstruction covered 86.3%, 42.2%,3.77%, 48.1% and 51.9% in all patients respectively. 12 cases associated with complications; 15 cases were death. Conclusion: The complications and mortality are higher in aging patients with intestinal obstruction and so the control infection and early operation are important for improving the success.
Qinghai Medical Journal