研究了光致发光材料SrAl2 O4:Eu ,Dy的一种新的合成方法 ,首先利用复合沉淀法制备出该发光材料的前驱超细粉体 ,解决了固相混合中存在的组分不均匀性。然后将此前驱粉体在还原气氛下高温烧结 ,最终制得亮度高 ,余辉时间长的超细发光粉体材料 ,并对其发光性能进行了研究。通过软化学法制备发光粉体较高温固相法降低烧结温度 2 0 0~ 30 0℃。
The Phosphors SrAl 2O 4:Eu,Dy has been synthesize d at low temperature by Complex-precipitation inthod.The excitation apectra, emission spectra and long-lasting phosphorescence chara cteristic have been measured.The experimental resulls indicate that luminescent properties of this material are the same as the samp le prepared by solid reaction.
Jiangxi Chemical Industry