20 0 2年 9月 12日曾对上海天文台 1.5 6m反射望远镜新安装的Tek 2 0 4 8× 2 0 4 8CCD照相机的快门函数进行了测定 ,以供用户使用。还检验了此CCD系统的线性 ,证明它的线性在整个 0~6 0 0 0
The shutter function of the new Tek 2048×2048 CCD camera was measured on 2002 September 12 for public use. The linearity of the CCD system was checked too. The nonlinearity is less than 2% for the whole intensity range up to about 60000 adu (gain = 2.4 e/adu).
Annals Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences