张岱的山水小品文创作受晚明社会风气的影响 ,鲜明地体现出晚明山水文学的共性特征 ,指出了晚明士大夫适世娱世的人生态度和注重山水的悦已作用 ,同时由于其独特的人生历程及审美视野 ,张岱的山水小品文亦呈现出独具特色的个性风彩和思想内涵 ,如其对自然生命观、个性美的认识等 ,在晚明文坛独树一帜 ,进一步加深了人们对自然的理解 ,提升了人们对自然的观照态度 。
The style of ZhangDai’s landscape essays was affected by the customers of the society in late Ming Dynasty. His writing embodies the landscape literature’s common character—The literatis at that time liked to enjoy life and enjoy themselves from the scenery, as well as because of his unique experience and aesthetic standard, ZhangDai’s essays embody his own personality and idea, such as the understanding to the value of the life and the personality, and developed a school of his own at that time. ZhangDai’s essays promote the people’s further understanding and comprehension to the nature, and then promote the development of the landscape literature in late Ming Dynasty.
Journal of the Armed Police Academy