目的 :评估云南省和四川省部分城市注射毒品人群感染HIV的高危险行为。方法 :采用随机抽样和“滚雪球”的方法 ,对云南省和四川省四个地区注射毒品人群进行高危行为的流行学调查 ,并将结果做分析比较。结果 :四川省的吸毒者主要以静脉注射毒品和烫吸毒品为主 ,而云南省的吸毒者则更多以静脉注射毒品为主。 4个城市吸毒者共用注射器的比例分别为 :昆明市 74 5 % ,西昌市 5 8 8% ,绵阳市 34 1%和保山市 2 8 8%。这些吸毒者都很少消毒注射器 ,平均每天的吸毒次数云南 2 - 3次 ,四川 2次。安全套使用率都比较低 ,特别是在与非固定性伴的性行为中 ,昆明市吸毒者安全套的使用率为 2 7% ,保山市为 4 1 7% ,绵阳市和西昌市分别为 33 3%和 30 8%。结论
Objective: To assess the high risk behaviors that facilitate HIV transmission among IDUs in four cities of Yunnan and Sichuan. Methods: The random sampling and 'snowballing' methods were adopted to conduct the epidemiological survey on high risk behaviors of IDUs in four cities of Yunnan and Sichuan, and the results were analyzed and compared. Results: Drug users in Sichuan province mainly took drugs by intravenous injection and inhaling, while drug users in Yunnan mainly by intravenous injection. The rates of needle/syringe sharing among drug users in the four cities were 74.5% (Kunming), 58.8% (Xichang), 34.1% (Mianyang) and 28.8% (Baoshan), respectively. The drug users sharing needle/syringes seldom disinfected syringes. The number of drug intakes per day was higher in Yunnan than *中英性病艾滋病防治合作项目 that in Sichuan. The rates of condom use among the surveyed drug users in the four cities were all low, especially in sex with non-regular sexual partners, with 27% in Kunming, 41.7% in Baoshan, 33.3% in Mianyang and 30.8% in Xichang. Conclusion: The surveyed drug users in Sichuan and Yunnan all have high risk behaviors that facilitate HIV transmission.
Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence