1Waterfield Frack, "Musicology and its Founrder, Johann Nicolaus Forkel," Musical Quarterly, XXXV/1949, pp. 588-601. 英文期刊文章的注释规格:作者名(字体用直体),"文章名(直体加引号,逗号放在后引号前),"刊物名(斜体),卷号或期号、年代(阿拉伯数字,页码 p.或 pp.,意from pageto page),如上所示,不能想当然地乱用字体和标点符号.这是英文书写规范,这些规范参见Turabian,K. L., A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations,University of Chicago,1953.这是非常重要的书,又叫《芝加哥手册》,要用英文写作的各界人士,均须准备一本.
3The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians,Vol.12,Macmillan Publishers Limited,1980,pp.841-2.英文注释中,斜体字是书名,英文不用书名号,书名用斜体字表示;Vol.是volume (卷)的通用缩写,用直体字母.
4ibid., p. 838.
5Guido Adler, "Umfang, Methode und Ziel der Musikwissenschaft," Vierteljahrschrift fur Musikwissenschaft, I(1885); Eng.trans. by Mugglestone, "The Scope, Method and Aim of Musicology,"1981 Year Book, ed., Norma McLeod, Tulane University Press, p. 6.
10Gilbert Chase, "American Musicology and the Social Sciences,"Perspectives in Musicology, ed. by Barry S, Brook, Edward O. D.Downs, Sherman Van Solkema, New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc., 1972.