为了解郑州市流动人口麻疹的流行病学特征 ,寻求降低其发病的有效措施 ,利用 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年麻疹监测系统报告并经实验室确诊的流动人口麻疹病例进行分析。结果显示 :麻疹病人中 8月龄~ 6岁儿童占 6 5 14 %~74 73% ;发病季节高峰为 3~ 7月 ,呈散发和爆发并存 ;病例多集中在郊区城乡结合部 ,免疫史明确病例麻疹疫苗(MV)接种率为 2 1 0 0 %~ 35 4 8% ,未免疫是发病的主要原因。加强对流动儿童常规免疫管理 ,减少漏管漏种 ;结合消灭脊髓灰质炎的强化免疫活动 ,盘查登记 8月龄~ 6岁流动儿童并进行MV强化免疫 ;扩大宣传 ,提高流动人口防病意识 ;加大考核力度 ,增强基层人员责任心 ,改善服务等是降低麻疹发病的关键。
In order to know the epidemic character of measles among floating people in Zhengzhou city,and find the effective measures to control it,we analyzed the data from measles surveillance system during 2000~2002.The analysis showed that the measles cases among floating population diagnosed by laboratory 65.14%~74.73% were children of 8 months~6years old.The peak seasons of the disease were in March~July,both sporadic and epidemic forms existed at the same time?Most measles cases concentrated in the urban-rural connecting area.The immunization coverage rate was 21.00%-35.48% in the cases with clear immune history,non-vaccination of measles virus was the main cause for measles.The measures for reducing measles incidence were as follows:strengthing the management of routine immunization of floating children, reducing failed vaccination, searching out the floating children of 8 months~6 years old by combining with the supplementary immunization of polio vaccine and making them vaccinated, expanding propaganda, raising the sense for disease prevention in floating piputation, enhancing the responsibity of the grass-roots medical personeels and improving the EPI service.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization