目的 :探讨重症急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)与细菌性典型肺炎胸部CT特征的异同。方法 :回顾性分析 2 8例SARS胸部CT表现与细菌性典型肺炎做对比。结果 :本组 2 8例患者肺部病变初期多为单发病灶 ,在右侧外带胸膜下常见。片状磨玻璃样密度病变影存在于各期 ,而细菌性典型肺炎未见。发病初期和进展期肺容积变小。而细菌性典型肺炎多无此特点。进展期大多数发展为双肺由下至上病变。恢复期病变由最晚受侵部位消退 ,遗留纤维化多为最早发生病变部位。而典型肺炎多从近肺门侧开始吸收。进展期局限的肺段、肺叶发展至多个肺叶、肺段 ,进展较迅速。而细菌性典型肺炎多为单独的肺叶、肺段。恢复期由弥漫性多发病变转变为局限病变 ,部分病人有肺部纤维化发生。而细菌性典型肺炎大多数吸收较完全 ,不遗留肺纤维化。结论
Objective:To evaluate the different characteristics and dynamic change of CT in patients with SARS and bacterial pneumonia.Methods:The pulmonary focus in 28 SARS was single and commonly localized under the right outer pleura.Compared with bacterial pneumonea,there were slices of frosted glass spot in all stages of SARS,and the pulmonary volume decreased in primary and developing stage.During developing stage,the foci of SARS ratidly widened upward to pulmonary multi-segment,while that of bacterial pneumia limited in single pulmonary segment.During recovery stage,the foci of SARS restored from later parts and fibrosed in early one,while the bacterial pneumia one from hilum of pulmonis and healed without fibrosis.Conclusion:The dynamic changes of acute pneumonia and interstitial inflammation of SARS are different from that of bacterial pneumonia on CT.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal