目的 :掌握国内、外医学科技现状 ,发展趋势 ,并根据我区的情况确立自治区医学发展重点、制定科研发展规划、提高科研水平 ,指导我区医学科研工作 ,保证卫生事业持续、快速地发展将会起到积极的推动作用 ;方法 :查阅资料 ,进行调研 ,专家论证 ;结果 :对 37个专业领域现阶段科研方向进行了调研 ,确立 32 8个项目 ;结论 :为自治区现阶段的医学科研工作提出了重点发展方向 ,对制定科研规划提供了依据 ,使医学科研工作能够有计划、科学有序地进行 ,并为尽快提高我区的医学科技水平 ,缩小与国内、外先进水平的差距 ,特别是对保护和发展民族医药事业将起到积极的促进和引导作用。
Objective:To grasp the present statasof the domestic and international medical science and technology and the trend of development,to establish the emphasis of the autonomous region's medical science development,to make the plan of the scientific research development and to raise the scientific research level according to the real status of the region.It will direct us medical science research and positively promote the quick and continued development of the public health cause of the region.Methods:Reading the literature,investigating,experts proving.Results:Westudied the scien tific research direction of 37 special domains,established 328 projects;Conclusion:in gave direction to the development of the present medical research of the region,and gare bases to making the scientific research plan.it will make the medical science research develop along a well planned and ordered way,raise the level of the medical science and technology of the region,shorten the distance with the domestic and international advanced level ,and specially protect and develop the national medical and medicine.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal