军用仿真领域内的建模与仿真工作常常需要大量的各种类型的数据来进行建模、训练、评估等工作 ,但是目前各数据源分散和孤立的状态导致了用户无法快速高效地查询和获取所需的数据和信息。该文提出了一种在军用建模与仿真领域内建立大范围分布数据的管理与共享系统的思路 ,给出了系统的目的、任务、体系结构、各部分组成及功能 ,并对涉及到的关键技术进行了讨论。
Modeling and Simulation users and developers need to use various kinds of data and information to support their work such as modeling, training and evaluating simulation results. But the conventional data mining and information acquisition processes are expensive and slow due to the nature that all the data and information sources are isolated and distributed thus difficult to acquire. This paper presents a distributed data management and sharing mechanism which can facilitate the data mining and information acquisition work in the M&S field, first gives the definition of the mission and purpose of the overall system, then the system architecture, composition and functions. The key technique involved is also discussed.
Computer Simulation