社区健康教育是公共卫生体系的有机组成成分 ,是贯彻我国卫生工作方针的重要工具 .SARS的流行检验了我国公共卫生体系对紧急公共卫生事件的应对能力 ,也揭示出了社区健康教育的不足 .讨论了如何在加大对公共卫生投入、促进社区发展的基础上 ,从政策、机构建设、人员培训、思想意识的转变等各个层面改善社区健康教育工作 。
Community health education is a component of public health system, and an important tool of implementing the health policy made by Chinese government. SARS epidemic challenged the reaction to emergency public health event of Chinese public health system, and revealed the insufficiency of community health education. The article discussed how to improve health education in community from different dimensions of policy, infrastructure, training and awareness promotion based on good public health and community development, so that the participation and action of community people can be enhanced.
Journal of Kunming Medical College
云南省科技厅"非典"科技专项计划项目资助 ( 0 0 3RK0 2 )