为了探明辐射诱变的生理生化机制 ,对经 10 ,15 ,2 0 ,2 5 ,30 Gy6 0 Co- γ射线辐射获得的菊花材料的生理生化指标分别进行了测定 .结果表明 :经辐射处理的菊花的叶绿素 a,b及总叶绿素含量比未经辐射的高 ,升高的幅度各异 ;剂量为 10 Gy处理的类胡萝卜素含量与未处理相同 ,15 ,2 5 Gy辐射的升高 ,2 0 ,30 Gy辐射的降低 ;经辐射的植株叶片的光合速率都高于未处理 ,增加幅度各异 ;光合色素含量和光合速率与辐射剂量没有明显的相关性 ;经辐射的材料和未处理的相比过氧化物酶同工酶带数及带的浓度有明显差异 .由此说明 ,辐射使菊花的生理生化特性改变 ,其表型也表现变异 .
In order to explore the physiological and biochemical mechanism, the studies are made on physiological and biochemical indexes of the Chrysanthemum,which have been irradiated by^(60)Co-γ ray of 10,15,20,25,30 Gy.The results are as follows:the content of chlorophyll or chlorophyll a or chlorophyll b in the irradiated materials is more than that in the antitheses(which have not been irradiated), the increase range is various; the carotenoid content of the material exposed by^(60) Co-γ ray of 10 Gy is the same as that of the antitheses,but that of the material exposed by 15 Gy or 25 Gy dosage is more,that of the material radiated by 20 Gy or 30 Gy is less; photosynthetic ratios of the Chrysanthemum irradiated are higher than those of the antitheses, but the increase range is different; the content of pigment and photosynthetic ratios have shown no clear correlation with^(60) Co-γ ray of dosage; there are apparent differences in the bands of peroxidase isoenzyme between the irradiated materials and the antitheses.The results indicate the variation in phenotype of the chrysanthemums irradiated by^(60)Co-γ is due to the change in physiological and biochemical characteristics.
Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)
湖南省教育厅资助项目 (0 2 C0 5 6)