青岛是一座历史文化名城 ,也是我国东部沿海较重要的经济中心城市、港口城市及旅游胜地 ,城市面临发展 ,同时也面临保护 .现在的城市保护存在一个误区 ,往往只保护重点建筑单体 ,对于建筑单体外部的环境布局却没有加以重视而进行保护 .对青岛基督小教堂与外部环境的关系作了分析 ,特别是对基督小教堂的三个小广场和塔楼的艺术处理进行了探讨 。
Qingdao is a historical and cultural city of the country and is also one of China's major economic centers, ports, and sea resorts. It is necessary to preserve Qingdao's old districts in the process of its development. Indeed there exist some improper practices in our city preservation. One of them is that we only care about the main building while neglecting its exterior space and environment. The paper analyzes the relationship between the Christian Church and its exterior space, especially the art of the church spire and the three small squares around the church.
Journal of Qingdao Institute of Architecture and Engineering