
国际关系理论的国家性 被引量:17

The National Identity of International Relations Theories
摘要 本文首先提出了评判国际关系理论的三个层面 :“作者性—国家性—时代性” ,并在此基础上 ,着重分析了国际关系理论的国家性层面。第二次世界大战结束以来 ,主流国际关系理论的国家性突出地表现为美国性 ,即美国不仅成为国际关系理论的研究主体 ,而且成为国际关系理论研究的客体 ;美国不仅主导了国际关系理论研究的方法论、价值论 ,而且主导了其本体论、认识论 ,导致所谓国际关系理论的美国话语霸权现象。本文无意批驳这种现象或强化类似认识 ,而旨在考察美国主流国际关系理论的国家性根源 ,即美国人的思维方式、政治文化、国家使命与国家性格如何塑造其国际关系理论的内涵与外延。本文从这一个案出发进而思考国际关系理论的中国性问题。认为 ,国际关系理论的中国化必须另立门户 ,提出全新的体系与学说。 To evaluate International Relations Theory (IRT), the author puts forward a paradigm of “personal identity-national identity-features of the time.” Based on this paradigm, the paper focuses on the national identity of IRT, i.g., how the American mode of thinking, political culture, national mission and national character shape the intension and extension of IRT. It points out that the national identity of IRT has been strongly affiliated with “Americanization.” In other words, the U.S. not only has become the research subject of IRT, but has also become the dominating factor of IR studies; the U.S. not only has dominated the methodology and axiology of IR studies, but has also dominated its ontology and epistemology. From this perspective, the author explores the possibility of “Sinicization” of IRT and argues that by doing so Chinese scholars should create a new system and doctrine for IR studies.
作者 王义桅
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期22-41,共20页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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