
试论美国公司法向民主化和自由化方向的历史性演变 被引量:31

The Democratization and Liberalization of U. S. Corporation Law in Historical Perspective
摘要 美国公司法在建国后约一百年的时间里从特许制走向了一般公司法 ,从视公司为人造之物转而承认它为自然实体 ,并在 19世纪和 2 0世纪之交经历了各州“竞相降低门槛”所做的修改 ,终于完成了向民主化和自由化方向的历史性演变。这一演变是美国公司历史作用发生变化的产物。它不仅奠定了现代美国公司法的基础 ,而且适应了现代大企业崛起和管理资本主义发展的需要 ,在政府干预日益加强的今天仍然为美国公司的活动留下了十分广阔的法律空间。 In about a hundred years after independence, corporation law in the United States had been transformed from a special charter system into general incorporation law. The corporation was no longer regarded as an artificial being but a natural entity, and the state legislatures competed in liberalizing their corporation laws in “the race for the bottom” at the turn of the 20th century. All these led to historical democratization and liberalization of corporation law, which adapted itself to the rise of big business and the development of managerial capitalism in the United States. Not surprisingly, American corporations still enjoy a great deal of flexibility in their business activities when government interventions are increased.
作者 韩铁
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期42-63,共22页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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  • 1Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (New York:Modern Library, 1965), bk. 5, pp. 715-716.
  • 2cited from Carl Kaysen, ed. ,The American Corporation Today (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 28.
  • 3Nicholas Murray Butler, Why Should We Change Our Form of Government?(New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912), p. 82.
  • 4Kaysen, The American Corporation Today, p. 5.
  • 5James Willard Hurst, The Legitimacy of the Business Corporation in the Law of the United States, 1780-1970 (Charlottesville, Virginia.. The University Press of Virginia, 1970), pp.10-12.
  • 6Susan Pace Hamill, "From Special Privilege to General Utility: A Continuation of Willard Hurst's Study of Corporations," American University Law Review, Vol. 49, 1999, pp. 81-176.
  • 7Gregory A. Mark, "The Personification of the Business Corporation in American Law,"The University Chicago Law Review, Vol. 54, 1987, pp. 1441 - 1483.
  • 8William L. Cary,"Federalism and Corporate Law: Reflections Upon Delaware," The Yale Law Journal, Vol.83, 1974, pp. 663-705.
  • 9Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, R. H. Campbell and A. S. Skinner(ed. ) (Indianapolis, Indiana, 1981), cited from Pauline Maier, "The Revolutionary Origins of the American Corporation," The William and Mary Quarterly, 3d Series, Vol. 50, No. 1, January 1993, pp. 58-59.
  • 10Thomas K. McCraw, "The Evolution of the Corporation in the United States," in John R.Meyer and James M. Gustafson(eds. ), The U. S. Business Corporation:An Institution in Transition (Cambridge, Massachusetts~ Ballinger Publishing Company, 1988), p. 3.











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