
塑造还是反映民意?——民意测验与美国的对外政策 被引量:20

Public Opinion Polling and U.S. Foreign Policy
摘要 本文考察了美国民意测验的历史 ,并以美国对外政策中最受争议的对外军事行动为切入点 ,探讨了民意测验在美国外交决策中的作用。作为一种把抽象的民意具体化为一系列数字的手段 ,民意测验不是单纯地反映民意 ,在某种程度上也塑造着民意。外交政策的制定者不会盲目地遵从民意 ,他们会采取一系列措施来调整民意 ,为其政策服务 ,而民意测验有时只不过是这个过程的一种工具而已。 By concentrating on American military operations abroad, this study explores the history of public opinion polling in the U.S. and the role it plays in American foreign policy decision-making. It is a commonly held belief that the foreign policy issue to which the American public is most sensitive is the use of military forces abroad. Public opinion polling has become an indispensable part of American political discourse. In the process of turning individual opinions to a series of numbers and charts, public opinion polling not only reflects public opinions but also, to some extent, molds them. American foreign policy-makers will not follow public opinions passively. On the contrary, they attempt to influence public perceptions to serve their policy objectives. Public opinion polling is sometimes a tool in this process.
作者 陈文鑫
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期64-80,共17页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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  • 1Karlyn Bowman, "Knowing the Public Mind," The Wilson Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 4, Au-tumn 2001.
  • 2See Suzanne Michele Bourgoin & Paula Kay Byers(eds. ), Encyclopedia of World Biography (Detroit: Gale Research Inc. ,1998), second edition, p. 188.
  • 3Karlyn Bowman, "Knowing the Public Mind. "
  • 4Frank N. Magill ( ed. ), International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics ( London:Fitzroy Dearborn, 1996), p. 1116.
  • 5Frank N. Magill, pp. 1116-1117.
  • 6See David Freedman, et al. , Statistics, Third Edition (New York:W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. , 1998), p. 336.
  • 7David Freedman, et al. , p. 334.
  • 8Ole R. Holsti, Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy (The University of Michigan Press, 1996), p. 13.
  • 9See David Freedman, et al. , p. 335.
  • 10See David Freedman, et al. , p. 335.


  • 1V. O. Key, Public Opinion and American Democracy ( New York:Knopf, 1961), p. 14.
  • 2Jeremy Bentham, Works of Jeremy Bentham ( New York: Ressell & Russell, 1962) , p. 516.
  • 3Ole R. Holsti, Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy(unviersity of Michigan Press 1994).p.10
  • 4John G.Nicolay and John Hay.eds.Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln,Vol.2,p.71
  • 5Herbert G. Nicholas, " Building on the Wilsonian Heritage", in Arthur Link, ad. Woodrow Wilson (New York: Hill & Wang. 1968), p.184.
  • 6Foreign Affairs ( New York : Council on Foreign Relations), Vo.1, Sept. 15,1922, p.3.
  • 7Ole R.Holsti Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy ( University of Michigan Press, 1994), p. 14.
  • 8Miroslav Nilcic."A Sensible Public Opinion and Foreign Policy".Journal of Conflict Resolution.Vol.36.No.4,Dec.1992,p.772
  • 9Roy P.Fairfield.ed.The Federalist Papers(New York:Anchor Books.1961),pp.206-207
  • 10Ole R.Holdti,Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy(university of Michigan Presss,1994).p.105











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