20世纪二十年代末期 ,太虚大师提出“人间佛教”理念 ,至今 ,已获得佛教界和社会的认同。而且佛教已呈现鲜明的社会化、世俗化、现代化趋向。其实 ,人间佛教理念恰恰是佛教与社会主义社会相适应的表征和理论根据。
At the end of the 20 years of the 20 th century, the great master Taixu put forward the idea of “living Buddhism”,which is agreed by the Buddhism circle and society. Now Buddhism appears obvious social, secular and modern tendency. In fact, the idea of living Buddhism is just the surface features and foundation of Buddhism's adaptation to socialist society.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Socialism