党的十六大报告将国家统一和台湾问题 ,提升到事关民族腾飞的战略高度 ,报告对台湾问题的论述篇幅长、分量重 ,富含新意。报告阐明了祖国统一和台湾问题的精髓 ,明确了对台工作的指导思想 ,强调解决台湾问题的核心是坚持“一个中国”原则 ,并对“一个中国”的内涵有新概括 ,新表述和新发展 ,报告首次提出两岸谈判的三个“可以谈”的新建议 ,报告对台湾问题的论述体现了与时俱进的思路和风格。
The 16 th NPC report raise the problem of the nation's unity and Taiwan Question to a strategic height.The report on Taiwan Question is long and innovative.The report expounds the essence of the nation's unity and Taiwan Question and makes new definition about “one China” policy's meaning. The report on Taiwan Question reflects the style of keeping pace with the time.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Socialism