以大白菜[Brassica campestris L.sap.pekinensis(Lour.)Olsson]的欧洲油菜(Brassica napusL.)胞质雄性不育系CMS3411-7和CMS7311为试材,通过人工低温诱导产生微量花粉,研究了不同育性级别花药中的相对正常花粉率以及1-2级花药中花粉的相对生活力和杂交竞争力。结果表明:诱导产生的1、2、3级花药中的花粉量分别相当于正常花药的73.5%-84.4%、47.6%-51.5%(半不育)和28.4%-32.5%,4级花药中均无花粉;1、2级花药中的花粉具有授粉能力,自交单荚结籽3.9粒,相当于低自交不亲和;在提前4 h授粉的情况下,1、2级花药中花粉的杂交竞争力仅是紫菜薹(Brassica campestris L.ssp.chinensis L.var.purpurea Bailey)正常花粉的9.1%-16.6%,即正常花粉的1/6-1/10。最后提出了利用温度敏感胞质雄性不育制杂交种时应注意的问题,讨论了利用人工诱导微量花粉进行不育系自身保持的可行性。
The male sterile line of Chinese cabbage CMS3411-7 and CMS7311, with cytoplasm of Brassica napus L. were induced under 5℃/9 days condition to obtain trace pollens, which relative vigor and cross-fertile a-bility was tested by biological way. Its results show that the quantity of trace pollen in anther of sterile grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3 were 73.5% - 84.4% , 47.6% - 51.5% (half sterile) and 28.4% - 32.5% of normal anther respectively; the trace pollen in anther of sterile grade 1 and grade 2 both can fertile by self-pollinated and got about 3.9 grain seeds per silique, which is similar to the situation of low incompatible line; the cross-fertile ability of it is only 9.1% - 16.6% compared with pollen of flowering Chinese cabbage ( Brassica campestris L. ssp. chi-nensis L. var. purpurea Bailey) even pollinated 4 h before. This is about one sixth to one tenth of normal pollen. Additional, we present the question that should be paid attention to in hybrid production, and the reliability of using the trace pollen induced to reproduce CMS lines was discussed.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica