
甜菜碱促进淡水白鲳生长的机制 被引量:6

Growth-promoting mechanism by betaine hydrochloride in Colossoma brachypomum
摘要 以淡水白鲳为试验对象,研究并探讨了盐酸甜菜碱促进淡水白鲳生长的机制。试验结果表明,盐酸甜菜碱能促进淡水白鲳生长,降低饲料系数,提高饲料利用率;在生理上,能提高血清中T_3、胰岛素及血清白蛋白的含量,极显著降低血清中尿素氮的含量;组织切片图显示:甜菜碱可使小肠绒毛和傲绒毛高度、密度及分布均匀度明显提高,对肝细胞超微结构无不良影响。试验结果提示:甜菜碱使T_3和胰岛素分泌增加,通过神经-内分泌水平调控机体代谢活动,实现其促进生长等功能,还使消化道形态产生有益的变化。 This research was conducted to approach growth-promoting mechanism by betaine hydrochloride in Colossoma brachypomum fingerlings with average initial weight 83.14±15. 36g during October to December, 1997. The fish was fed for 60d under the conditions of circulation, filtration and controled temperature. The results of rearing indicated that betaine hydrochloride obviously enhanced fish growth, decreased food conversion rate and improved feed efficiency; physiologically, betaine hydrochloride increased the levels of T3 and insulin, increased the albumin content; betaine hydrochloride decreased the urine nitrogen (UN) concentration significantly. The figure of tissue slices showed that betaine hydrochloride improved villas and microvilli length, density and the distribution uniformity of duodenum. Betaine hydrochloride had no bad effects on supermicro-structure of live cell. The results of this research implicated that betaine hydrochloride increases the secreting of thyroxine (T3) and insulin and regulates the metabolism of organism by the hormones. Thus it prompts fish growth. It also improved intestine figuration.
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期564-569,共6页 Journal of Fisheries of China
基金 浙江省重点攻关项目(952023A)
关键词 甜菜碱 淡水白鲳 生长机制 高度 密度 区域分布 消化道形态 Colossoma brachypomum growth betaine hydrochloride
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