根据资料及最近 2年与俄罗斯、乌克兰专家互访与学术交流的情况 ,概括介绍了俄罗斯目前海军用钛的基本情况 ,以及俄罗斯在海军用钛方面的研究、做法和思路 ;针对未来我国海军发展的需要 ,提出了我们应该面对的现状和我国海军用钛应着重研究的课题以及应采取的对策。
According to documents, exchange visits and academic intercourse with Russian and Ukrainian experts in recent two years, the basic situation of titanium application for Navy, the situation of research and application, methods and the ways of thinking in Russia are generally introduced. In view of the future development of our Navy, the present situation which our shall face, the task which our Navy shall emphatically fulfill in use of titanium, and adoptable strategies are suggested.
Titanium Industry Progress