针对东冶变电所功率因数问题,提出了分组投切电容器组的动态无功补偿方案,由工业控制计算机对110 kV供电系统的有功、无功变化量和潮流方向进行实时监控,由PLC可编程控制器执行对各支路真空接触器的分、合闸,实现对一次系统和补偿装置输出无功实施动态控制,使牵引变电所功率因数补偿到较高的水平。
For the power factor issue of Dongye substation, the article raises the dynamic reactive power compensation plan by adopting grouping throw-in/over capacitor bank, that is: to implement the real time monitoring to the active/reactive variants and current direction of 110kV power supply system by industry computer, to trip/close each branch of vacuum contactor by PLC so as to realize the dynamic control of primary side system and reactive output of compensation device achieve higher power factor compensation of traction substation.
Electric Railway