目的 调查分析暴力性眼外伤的损伤程度、部位、致伤物及致盲后遗障碍的类型。方法 对1990~1999年近10年法医临床学鉴定案例中的暴力性眼外伤369例进行分析。结果 暴力性跟外伤受害者中男302例,女67例。伤害主要发生于公共场所、乡村及农场。致伤物中以钝器尤以拳掌多见,伤眼中左眼多于右眼。损伤部位以眼睑184例为多见。损伤程度:轻度损伤以单纯眼睑擦伤175例为多见,中度损伤以外伤性瞳孔散大76例和前房积血76例为多见,重度损伤有角巩膜穿孔伤76例和外伤性白内障83例为多见。致盲病变中角膜瘢痕、外伤性白内障分别列第一、二位。结论 暴力性眼外伤的损伤特征研究有利于从多方面综合预防眼外伤,降低眼外伤的发生率。
Objective To investigate the character of violent eye injuries. Methods 369 cases of violent eye injuries were evaluated by West China University of Medical Science from 1990 to 1999. Results In this series of assaulted eye injuries,302 cases were male,and 67 cases were female. The public situation was the most common place, followed by the countryside and farm. The left eye injury was more common than right eye. The eyelid was most frquently assaulted, followed by retina, iris and ciliary body, cornea and lens. In the cases of light injury, 175 cases had eyelid abrasion;in the cases of moderate injury, traumatic mydriasis occurred in 76 cases,hyphema happened in 76 cases;in the cases of severe injury, corneo- sclera perforating injury and traumatic cataract were the common injuries. Corneal scars, traumatic cataract were the main reasons resulted to blindness. Conclusion The study has important implications for prevention of violencerelated eye injuries.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries