新西兰林业经过 5 0余年的发展 ,实现了对天然林的保护 ,木材生产从完全依靠天然林转变为只有 1 %的锯材来自天然林 ;一个只有不足 40 0万人口的国家 ,现在年产木材已达到 2 1 0 0万 m3,木材及木制品出口创汇占全国创汇的 1 2 %,成为国民经济的支柱产业 ,未来 2 5年木材产量将翻番 ,而且完全来自可持续利用的人工林 ;这些经验已成为世界林业实现可持续发展的典范。文中分析了新西兰林业成功的经验 。
With the development of New Zealand forestry for more than fifty years, currently natural forest supplies less than 1% of sawn timber production and the rest are supplied from plantation. Therefore, New Zealand's natural forest was protected well and at the same time the enough timber was produced to meet the domestic market and export to the world market. It is expected that the current 21 million m 3 per year of timber production from sustainable plantation forest can be doubled within 25 years. This successful experience from New Zealand forestry was a model for world to realize the sustainable forestry development and it is useful for the development of China's forestry.
World Forestry Research