雾灵山国家级自然保护区位于北京市密云县与河北省兴隆县交界处 ,是潮白河与滦河水系的分水岭 ,也是两水系部分支流的源头。近些年来由于山区旅游无序开发 ,对植被造成一定程度的破坏 ,对环境造成一定影响。本文通过遥感技术 ,利用 1 984年TM和 2 0 0 2年ETM数据对植被变化状况进行了监测 。
Located at the joint of Miyun County of Beijing and Xinlong County of Hebei province,the national reserved area of Wuling Mountain is the watershed and source of Chaobai river and Luan river.Due to the over exploitation, the vegetation has been destroyed,which leads to a strong impact on the environment.In this paper,the changing situation of the vegetation was monitored by comparing the TM data in 1984 and the ETM data in 2002,which were gathered by remote sensing.The corresponding strateges and suggestions were also promoted.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition