The widely distributed granite weathering crust in south China is generally composed of four layers: soil organic layer (20—50 cm), red clay layer (1—5 m), sandy layer (5—10 m) and fragmental layer (10—20 m), in which the red clay layer is firmly cemented by clay and Fe-Al oxides and thus has a higher anti-erodibility than the underlying sandy and fragmental layers. Therefore, soil erosion and conservation are quite different whether eroded soil possesses a red clay layer or not. By comparing conservation measures, restoration of vegetation and soil fertility, and soil development of the two types of eroded soils with conservation measures taken for 22 years, the present study reveals that when eroded soil possesses a red clay layer, soil degradation and erosion are not so serious. Good vegetation and high soil fertility can be restored in a short time by densely planting in combination with a few mechanical measures such as squamose hole and bench terrace when necessary Once the sandy or fragmental layer exposed by progressive sheet or gully erosion, soil erosion and degradation would become very severe for the erodible infertile sandy soil, and soil conservation therefore would be very difficult. It needs much longer time to restore the soil fertility and vegetation even though grasses, shrubs and trees are systematically planted in combination with various mechanical measures such as contour ridge, bench terrace and cheek dam.
Acta Pedologica Sinica
Soil erosion, Soil and water conservation, Granite