
走近早期马克思——兼论思想史研究中的一个方法问题 被引量:9

Stepping into Early Marx——A Concomitant Discussion of One Approach to Study the History of Thought
摘要 Generally, it may be possible to say that one thinker is still ‘immature’ in his thought at a certain stage. However, what is important is how to closely grasp uniqueness of his mentality or ideological growing point which dominates one’s life from‘immature’to‘mature’development. The exceptional growing point of one’s idea intrinsically determines how to select, abandon or adopt resources that history provides by the thinker. Based on this, whatsoever deep influence on him by his predecessors or the contemporaries successively, he will never spiritually become a slave of any thinker whom he holds in esteem because of his ‘immaturity ’in some stage From ‘immature’to‘mature’ ideological growth, Marx always held belief that each ‘real and living individual’ should win freedom matching his ‘individuality’, and, meanwhile, endowed to his philosophy an invariable morality that philosophy should shoulder its practical and critical responsibility in transmuting the reality. In this process, never did happen vicissitude of his original spiritual state regarded as growing point of his idea. Therefore, there never exists Marx’s essential ‘turn’ or ‘rupture’ in the orientation of value and in his logic of thinking. Generally, it may be possible to say that one thinker is still ‘immature’ in his thought at a certain stage. However, what is important is how to closely grasp uniqueness of his mentality or ideological growing point which dominates one’s life from‘immature’to‘mature’development. The exceptional growing point of one’s idea intrinsically determines how to select, abandon or adopt resources that history provides by the thinker. Based on this, whatsoever deep influence on him by his predecessors or the contemporaries successively, he will never spiritually become a slave of any thinker whom he holds in esteem because of his ‘immaturity ’in some stage From ‘immature’to‘mature’ ideological growth, Marx always held belief that each ‘real and living individual’ should win freedom matching his ‘individuality’, and, meanwhile, endowed to his philosophy an invariable morality that philosophy should shoulder its practical and critical responsibility in transmuting the reality. In this process, never did happen vicissitude of his original spiritual state regarded as growing point of his idea. Therefore, there never exists Marx’s essential ‘turn’ or ‘rupture’ in the orientation of value and in his logic of thinking.
作者 黄克剑
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第7期3-12,共10页 Philosophical Research
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  • 1《费尔巴哈哲学著作选集》,1984年,荣震华,李金山等译,商务印书馆.
  • 2黑格尔.《哲学史讲演录》[M].商务印书馆,1959年、1960年、1978年..
  • 3黑格尔.《法哲学原理》[M].商务印书馆,1961年版.第170页.
  • 4黑格尔 王造时译.《历史哲学》[M].上海书店出版社,1999年.第126、129、127页.
  • 5黄克剑.从“命运”到“境界”——苏格拉底前后古希腊哲学命意辨正[J].哲学研究,1996(2):35-45. 被引量:8
  • 6.《马克思恩格斯全集》[M].人民出版社,1956年、2002年..











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