

Inactivation of RNA envelope virus by photosensitive virus inactivator
摘要 目的 研制出可在体外杀灭RNA包膜病毒的新型仪器。方法 与亚甲蓝最大吸收波长相匹配的单波长发光二极管组成的单个或点阵式发光体为光源系统 ,以日本脑炎病毒和登革热病毒为RNA包膜病毒灭活效果评估的指示病毒 ,采用空斑法测定病毒滴度 ,获得不同浓度亚甲蓝工作液以及光源不同光照度、光照时间和距离等参数条件下灭活病毒的动力学参数。结果 光敏式病毒灭活仪主要由亚甲蓝喷雾器、二极管电路和发光二极管点阵组成 ;光照时间≥ 5min ,光照度光照距离≤ 2 .5m的条件下 ,1 .0 μg/ml和 2 .0 μg/ml的MB工作液灭活病毒的效力均为 1 0 0 %。 结论 光敏式病毒灭活仪可有效地灭活RNA包膜病毒 ,同时 ,与MB最大吸收波长相匹配的光源系统提高了亚甲蓝 Objective To research and develop the novel machine that can inactive RNA envelope virus in vitro.Methods Single or matrix of light emitting diode (LED) matching with maximum absorbing wavelength of methylene blue (MB) was used as lighting system;Japanese encephalitis virus and dengue virus was used as indicating virus of inactivating efficiency of RNA envelope virus;dynamic parameters of virus inactivation by MB/photochemistry methods was evaluated by plaque forming tests. Results Photosensitive virus inactivator (PVI) mainly consists of MB sprayer,LED circuit and LED lighting matrix.One and two microgramme per milliliter of MB can completely inactivate virus when illuminating time ≥5min,luminous intensity ≥ 50 000 mlx and illuminating distance ≤2.5m.Conclusion The properties of single wavelength lighting systems matching with maximum absorbing wavelength of MB increase the virus inactivating capabilities of PVI which can effectively inactivate RNA envelope virus in vitro.
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS CSCD 2003年第12期1603-1604,共2页 Chongqing medicine
基金 重庆市科委SARS专项科技攻关项目 (7674)
关键词 亚甲蓝/光化学法 光敏剂 光动力学 病毒灭活 RNA包膜病毒 methylene blue/photochemistry photosensitive agents photodynamics virus inactivation RNA envelope virus
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