
小鼠早期胚胎的体外培养研究 被引量:4

In vitro Culture of Early Mouse Embryo
摘要 目的 寻求一种体外稳定培养早期胚胎的方法。方法 比较了不同培养基 (M16、G1、CZB)从受精卵到囊胚的培养效果 ,并对CZB做了加糖与不加糖、加BSA与 15%FBS的比较研究。对体外形成的囊胚做细胞记数以评估胚胎的质量。结果 CZB无论加糖还是不加糖 ,均能有效克服 2 细胞阻滞 (70 0 %~ 84 6% ) ,加糖CZB囊胚形成率(46 1%~ 50 0 % )更高。受精卵一直在无糖CZB中培养与第 3d后转入加糖CZB培养的桑椹胚和囊胚形成率无显著性差异。CZB中加BSA和 15%FBS的培养效果相当。体外培养形成的囊胚较体内发育有迟滞现象 ,但是细胞记数无显著性差异。结论 对于昆明小鼠早期胚胎的体外培养 ,CZB是较M16、G1更适合的培养基 ,且CZB中从一开始就应该加糖。CZB中加BSA足可取代FBS 。 Objective To find out a stable way of in vitro culture of early embryo.Methods Three kinds of different media, M16, G1 and CZB, were i nvestigated in their ability of enhancing the development of embryo from 1-cell to blastocyst and the efficiency of CZB supplemented with glucose or not, BSA o r 15 % FBS were compared respectively. The cell number of blastocyst was also co unted to evaluate embryo's quality.Results Both glucose-containing CZB and glucose-free CZB coul d help 1-cell to break through 2-cell block with no difference (70 0 % to 84 6 %), and there was a higher rate of blastocyst (46 1 %—50 0 %) in the form er medium. The forming rate of morula and blastocyst in eggs always cultured in glucose-free CZB had no difference as compared with that transferred to glucose -containing CZB on the third day. There was no difference in culturing effect b etween BSA-containing CZB and 15 % FBS-containing CZB. Compared with in vivo development, the formation of blastocyst delayed in vitro culture, but th e cell number of blastocyst had no difference. Conclusion CZB was more suitable than M16 and G1 to in vitro culture the eggs of Kunming mice. It was not necessary to replace BSA with FB S in the CZB and the embryos cultured in vitro were approximately normal as developed in vivo.
出处 《华中科技大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期593-596,共4页 Acta Medicinae Universitatis Scientiae et Technologiae Huazhong
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(No. 3 973 0 170 ) 国家自然科学基金面上资助项目 (No .3 9770 810 )
关键词 小鼠 胚胎 体外培养 培养基 2-细胞阻滞 mouse 2-cell block embryo culture medium
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