目的 通过对国产HCV抗体分片段酶联免疫检测试剂与进口第三代抗-HCV检测试剂检测丙型肝炎病毒抗体的研究来了解丙肝病毒抗体单片段检测的意义。方法 采用国产基因重组表达的丙型肝炎病毒不同区(C、NS3、NS4、NS5)特异性抗原分别包被酶标板,以间接EIA法检测75例丙肝患者血清中不同区特异性抗体,并以Ab-bott公司第三代抗-HCV试剂进行总抗体检测,同时做HCV-BNA检测。结果 75例血清中HCV不同区抗原片段NS3、HCV-C、NS4、NS5的抗体检出率分别为93.3%(70/75)、92.0%(69/75)、70.7%(53/75)、64.0%(48/75),含2个片段以上的抗体检出率为94.7%(71/75);抗-HCV总抗体的检出率为98.7%(74/75);HCV-RNA检出率为77.4%(58/75)。结论 HCV不同区抗原片段的抗体检出率有差别,NS3、HCV-C检出率较高,其次为NS4、NS5。两种试剂有较好的相关性,HCV抗体单片段试剂可作为检测丙型肝炎病毒抗体的补充试剂,单独片段抗体阳性具有一定意义,动态观察NS3、NS4抗体水平可预测IFN的治疗效果。
Objective To investigate the significance of detection of shtgle serum antibody response to hepatitis C virus, by using the internal regent of single region antibody EIA and the external regent anti-HCV 3.0. Methods Seventy-five serums of patients with hepatitis C were tested by EIA with different special antigens (C, NS3, NS4 and NS5) encoded by different regions of HCV genome, and total antibodies were also tested by MEIA of anti-HCV 3.0 from Abbott Co. HCV-RNA. Results In 75 serums, the positive rates of anti-HCV-NS3, anti-HCV-C, anti-HCV-NS4 and anti HCV-NS5 were 93.3% (70/75), 92.0% (69/75), 70.7% (53/75) and 64.0% (48/75), respectively. The positive rates of the total anti-HCV and HCV-RNA were 98.7%(74/75) and 77.4%(58/75). Conclusion The positive rate of different regions of antibodies response to hepatitis C virus is different. Anti-HCV-NS3 and anti-HCV-C are higher. Anti-HCV-NS4 and anti-HCV-NS5 are secondary. Two kinds of regent have a good correlation. Single region anti-HCV EIA may be the additional detection of antibodies of HCV. It is significant that single antiboody being positive. Monitoring the levels of anti-HCV-NS3 and anti-HCV-NS4 can deduce the curative effect of interferon.
Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine