This paper makes astudy on the interactive digital gener-alization, where map generalizationcan be divided into intellective reason-ing procedure and operational proce-dure, which are done by human andcomputer, respectively. And an inter-active map generalization environmentfor large scale topographic map is thendesigned and realized. This researchfocuses on: ① the significance of re-searching an interactive map generali-zation environment, ② the features oflarge scale topographic map and inter-active map generalization, ③ the con-struction of map generalization-orien-ted database platform.
This paper makes a study on the interactive digital generalization, where mapgeneralization can be divided into intellective reasoning procedure and operational procedure,which are done by human and computer, respectively. And an interactive map generalizationenvironment for large scale topographic map is then designed and realized. This research focuses on:① the significance of researching an interactive map generalization environment, ② the featuresof large scale topographic map and interactive map generalization, ③ the construction of mapgeneralization-oriented database platform.