The fingerprinting analysis by silver- staining AFLP in the offspring of parents of Hanyou- xiangqing hybrid rice regenerated from anther culture indicates that the DNA fragment polymorphism using 5- pairs primers was high. There are 59 separating fragments which were checked by χ 2- test, the proportion of 3.71% in total 1 592 DNA fragments, it was indicated that there were heterozygous sites in the parents of Hanyou- xiangqing hybrid rice which were selected to using anther culture, and the purification effect was well by anther culture. The frequency distribution of heredity distance in the parent population shows that variation of HanfengA is low, there is much more variation in HanfengB, and the degree of variation in Xiangqing4144 is between the HanfengA' and HanfengB', the variation at DNA level could be monitored, and the parent of HangfengB should be purified much more. The impurity degree of HanfengA because of adulterating other seeds is above 4.32% , the HanfengB' is above 2.08% , and the Xiangqing4144' is 2.17% as well, those seedsshould be eliminated by planting in separate line.
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)