

AFLP Analysis in the Offspring of Parents of Hanyou-xiangqing Hybrid Rice Regenerated from Anther Culture
摘要 利用AFLP技术对寒优湘晴杂交稻三亲本花药再生苗海南繁殖后代进行指纹分析,结果表明5对引物都有较好的多态性,可以满足对杂交稻亲本的鉴定。在检测的1592条片段中,其中有59条经χ2测验表现为分离,占总片段数的3.71%,用于提纯的杂交稻亲本具有杂合位点,花培提纯的效果是明显的。通过对各样本间遗传距离分析表明,不育系寒丰A样本纯合性较好,保持系寒丰B变异较大,恢复系湘晴4144变异介于二者之间,花药培养后代可检测到DNA水平的变异,需要强化寒丰B的提纯。不育系寒丰A样本混杂高于4.35%,保持系寒丰B的混杂度高于2.08%,而恢复系湘晴4144的高于2.17%,需要通过单株系繁育剔除混杂植株。 The fingerprinting analysis by silver- staining AFLP in the offspring of parents of Hanyou- xiangqing hybrid rice regenerated from anther culture indicates that the DNA fragment polymorphism using 5- pairs primers was high. There are 59 separating fragments which were checked by χ 2- test, the proportion of 3.71% in total 1 592 DNA fragments, it was indicated that there were heterozygous sites in the parents of Hanyou- xiangqing hybrid rice which were selected to using anther culture, and the purification effect was well by anther culture. The frequency distribution of heredity distance in the parent population shows that variation of HanfengA is low, there is much more variation in HanfengB, and the degree of variation in Xiangqing4144 is between the HanfengA' and HanfengB', the variation at DNA level could be monitored, and the parent of HangfengB should be purified much more. The impurity degree of HanfengA because of adulterating other seeds is above 4.32% , the HanfengB' is above 2.08% , and the Xiangqing4144' is 2.17% as well, those seedsshould be eliminated by planting in separate line.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2003年第B12期48-51,60,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)
基金 上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目 教育部生物多样性与区域生态安全重点学科建设项目
关键词 寒优湘晴杂交稻 花药培养 AFLP指纹分析 繁殖 指纹分析 Hanyou- xiangqing hybrid rice purification AFLP fingerprinting analysis anther culture
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