1978年以来 ,我国农村普遍实行的家庭联产承包责任制 ,大大促进了农业的发展 ,已显示出强大的生命力和巨大优越性 ,但是由于它存在与社会化大生产相冲突的小农经济特性 ,其发展与作用的发挥受到很大的局限 ,因此 ,进一步改革这一经营体制 ,以一种更高级形式———农场制和公司制取代之 ,不仅是必要的 ,而且是必然的发展趋势。
Since 1978, the household contract responsibility system which is widely enforced in our country's rural areas has greatly facilitated the agricultural development and has shown the strong vitality and powerful advantage. But because it bears the characteristics of small-scale peasant economy which conflicts with the social mass production, the development and the play of the role of this system has been restricted to a great extent. Therefore, to further reform this kind of operational system , or rather, to replace it with a higher form, that is, with the farming system and corporation system, is not only necessary but also the inevitable developing trend.
Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics