Since the reform and opening to outside world,the absolute income level of farmers in China has taken on the tendency of going up,put its rate is going down and the relative level of it has gone down absolutely.Adequate emphasis on agriculture,rural areas and the position of farmers hasn't been give,the weakness of agriculture and the inferior position of farmers still exist at present.The countermeasures to change the present situations are: 1.carrying out the policy of urbanization and integraty to increase farmers' income pragmatically.2.giving adjustment to agricultural structure to fasten the systematic innovation S.accelerating the systematic reform of finance and tax and promoting the reform of tax and fees to reduce the burden of them.4.accelerating banking reform in rural areas to make it easier for farmers to get capital and loan.5.accelerating the reform of administrative system and the system of democratic decision to establish the operational system of administrative fit for market economy and protect the benefit for numerous farmers.
Henan Social Sciences