The traditional repayment methods of students ’ loan are still applied nowadays by Chinese Government, namely, the method of equal repayment in each term of the partial sum of the principal and interest, and the method of equal repayment in each term of the partial amount of loan principal itself. The borrowers have the greatest pressure at the very time when they begin to repay, since the burden rates reduce gradually in both cases. There is no flexibility in that the borrowers have to pay each term a fixed amount of money.This paper introduces a new method of establishing a repayment fund and analyze it ’s the merits and defects. Furthermore, it also discuss the modes of equal repayment in each of the partial sum of the principal plus interest, equal repayment in each term of the partial amount of loan principal itself, and increasing repay-ment with a fixed ratio, which are all based on the repayment fund. The first two modes mentioned above can offer more flexibility for both the creditors and debtors, since the banks can encourage the action of saving and earlier repayment of the loan by the rising deposit interest rate of the fund, thus it can enhance the bank ’s control of situations and can lower the violation rate of the loan repayment. Moreover, they go seamless well with the current policy and have very strong operability, because only a repayment fund is needed for every borrower. Theoretical analyses reveal that the concrete increasing rate burden repayment method has extra advantages in giving the debt-or the right of choosing the burden rate to balance the repayment burden according to the ability of the borrowers, which can arrive at a desirable situation with a low repayment burden at period-beginning and high one at the period-ending. Therefore, the violation rate of the loan can be lowered obviously by changing the repayment mode ruled by the banks. As a result, the method of increasing burden rate based on repayment fund is suitable for the develop-ing country in that the citizen ’s income is a bit more uncertain, because of its strong operability and flexibility.
Education Research Monthly
student loan
repayment mode
repayment fund
burden of repayment