
自闭症儿童适应行为发展特点的实证研究 被引量:5

Empirical Research on Characteristics of Adaptive Behavior Development of Children with Autism
摘要 采用《儿童适应行为评定量表》对112名自闭症儿童的适应行为进行调查,经过分析发现,自闭症儿童适应行为的发展特点主要表现在:整体发展水平偏低,存在不同程度的缺损;适应行为及其三项功能随着年龄的发展进程不一致;智力水平越高,适应行为越好;优势能力是感觉运动和生活自理,发展最差的能力是经济活动和时空定向。 By using the Child Assessment Scale of Adaptive Behavior, 112 children with autism were tested.The results showed that the overall developmental level of adaptive behavior of autistic children was at low level;the adaptive behavior and its three functions showed the different developmental course;the higher intelligence level,the better adaptive behavior development;the motor skills and self-care were autistic child 's superior ability, while the ability of using money and temporal orientation were their inferior area.
出处 《教育学术月刊》 北大核心 2015年第8期75-81,共7页 Education Research Monthly
基金 江西省教育科学"十二五"2014年度规划课题"父母教养观念与自闭症儿童适应行为的关系研究" 课题编号:14YB018
关键词 自闭症儿童 适应行为 发展特点 children with autism,adaptive Behavior,developmental characteristics
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