皖南古村落通过发展旅游业带动社会和经济发展 ,是增强自身能力的现实选择 ,而只有遵循可持续发展原则 ,才能真正实现旅游发展与古村落发展的“双赢”。目前 ,皖南古村落旅游发展中存在一些不利因素 ,如旅游开发、经营和管理粗放 ;资源保护、利用与旅游发展关系不协调 ;旅游发展与社区发展的联系不紧密等 ,势必限制自身可持续旅游发展的进程。本文尝试在可持续旅游发展原则的指导下 ,对皖南古村落旅游发展中的一些限制性因素进行分析和总结。
Developing tourism industry can promote social and economic developmen t and it is the right choice for the vernacular villages in Southern Anhui t o strengthen their ability. Furthermore, only by abiding by the principle of sus ta inable development can the win-win be achieved in both tourism industry and vil l age development. At present, some unfavorable factors exist in the t ourism development of the vernacular villages as follows: (1) the tourism explo itation and management are still in the extensive condition; (2) the relationship between th e tourism development and the protection and utilization of resources isn't harm onious enough; (3)better mutual-promoting mechanism between tourism an d community development hasn't been set up. These unfavorable factors will certai nly restrict the sustainable tourism development of the vernacular villages in Sout hern Anhui. In the paper, the author tries to summarize and analyze these factor s under the guidance of the principle of sustainable tourism development.
Tourism Tribune
国家社会科学基金项目 ( 0 3BJY0 84 )
安徽省高校人文社会科学研究项目( 2 0 0 1JW 1 2 2)