对均重7.20 g的点带石斑鱼进行了兑淡养殖实验,30‰、14‰和9‰。三个盐度的生长实验结果表明,盐度越低,生长速度越快。当水体盐度从30‰突变至5‰时,点带石斑鱼完全可以很快适应这种大幅度的盐度变化。其结果对石斑鱼养殖产业远离海岸,深入到广大内陆地区生产有积极的指导意义。
Study on adaptabity of Epinephelus awoara with average weight of 7.20 g farmed in desalinized water was conducted. The result of growth experiment at three salinities of 30‰, 14‰ and 9‰ proves that the lower the salinity is, the faster Epinephelus awoara grows. When the salinity is reduced from 30‰ to 5‰ in a sudden change, Epinephelus awoara can adjust itself to the salinity. The findings imply that it is feasible to develop Epinephelus awoara farming industry in the inland areas far from sea.
Journal of Fujian Fisheries