
多Agent系统之间的通信与协作机制初探 被引量:4

The Research of the Mechanism of Communication and Cooperation Between Multi-Agent System
摘要 在MAS中 ,多Agent之间通信和相互协作一直是多Agent系统研究的重要内容 ,多Agent间的通信方式有 :无通信模式 ,黑板模式 ,消息传递模式 ,方案传送模式 ;协作方法有 :合同网 ,黑板模型 ,结果共享与功能精确的协同方法 。 In MAS,the communication and cooperation between multi-agent system always is an important research content. The modes of communication between multi-agent system include no communication mode, blackboard mode, message passing mode and plan passing mode. And the methods of cooperation between multi-agent system have contract net, blackboard module, the results sharing and functionally accurate cooperation, market mechanism.
作者 阮若林
出处 《咸宁学院学报》 2003年第6期55-57,共3页 Journal of Xianning University
关键词 分布式人工智能 多AGENT系统 通信 协作 Distributed Artificial Intelligence(DAI) Multi-Agent System(MAS) Communication Cooperation
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