

The Symbolic Meaning and Value of the Mausoleum of the 2^(nd) Empire of Qin Dynasty and the Protection Significance of Memorial Monuments
摘要 坐落于今曲江池南岸的一座封土,相传是亡国秦君胡亥之陵寝,而考古勘探结果表明其墓主身份存疑。它实际承载了中国历史上第二位皇帝——秦二世的身份,代表秦帝国从如日中天到烟消云散短短几年中,主宰国家命运的几位重要人物和一系列历史事件,成为这一时期中国社会和文化剧变的物质载体。它具备特殊的社会和文化价值,为当今社会发展提供了重要反面教材,时刻提醒人们反思那些历史和悲剧,在数百年间已拥有了不二的象征意义。即使从考古学角度出发,难以对秦二世陵的真实性下定论,但它的身份已具有广泛的社会认同。在此基础上,秦二世陵遗址公园的建成更促进了这种认同感,并将其提升到新的高度。与秦二世陵相似的纪念性文化遗产,如黄帝陵、周陵等,无论真实与否,都是人们眼中的纪念碑,值得保护。此理念可辐射至更宽广的范围,即具有一定纪念意义,但尚不具备真实性的遗存。 It is said that the grave mound, located on the south bank of Qujiang Pool, was the tomb of Hu Hai, the perished second emperor of Qin dynasty. However, archaeological detection of this tomb and the excavation of a surrounding tomb indicates that the period is not Qin Dynasty. Although people are skeptical about the identity of the tomb's owner, it actually bears the identity of the second emperor of Qin dynasty in Chinese history —— Qin Ershi. It's the material vehicle of the dramatic change of the society and culture, representing several important giants and a series of historical events that dominated the country's destiny when the Qin Empire vanished from the heyday in a few short years. With special social and cultural values, it now provides an important negative example for the social development, reminding people to reflect history and tragedy, which took on a powerful emblematic quality over the century. From the archaeological point of view, it is difficult to conclude on the authenticity of the tomb of Hu Hai, but its identity already has a mass social roots and recognition. On this basis, the completion of the Heritage Park of Qin Er Shi Mausoleum promotes the sense of recognition. To some similar monument such as Huangdi's Mausoleum, authenticity is not the exclusive matter to be ascertained. Other heritages including legendaries, should also be protected.
作者 李尔吾
出处 《遗产与保护研究》 2016年第6期68-72,共5页 Research on Heritages and Preservation
基金 2016年度西安市社会科学规划基金项目(16Z12)
关键词 秦二世陵 胡亥 价值 象征 纪念遗产 Qin Ershi Hu Hai value symbol monuments
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