Qinghai Hoh Xil, enlisted to the List of World Heritage in July 2017, is the largest world heritage site in China, while the 8 th in size in the Globe. This site meets Criteria(vii) and(x) of world heritage. The endemic mammals on the plateau, e.g. Tibetan Antelope, and Tibetan Antelope's large scale migration embody the outstanding universal values(OUVs) on biodiversity in the world heritage site. This paper applied species distribution modelling in collaboration with field survey to draw the distribution maps of 11 mammal species and the richness of mammals in Hoh Xil and adjacent regions. We also outlined the full range where the migration of Tibetan Antelope's Hoh Xil-Sanjiangyuan population occurs. Through these, we determine the range of the world heritage and its buffer zone, which ensures the integrity of the OUVs.
Research on Heritages and Preservation