高职商务英语专业因其跨学科特征切合了复合型应用型人才培养目标,而受到教育界、语言界、商务界等方面学者的广泛关注。近十年,每年均有300左右的文章收录在中国知网,学者探讨的主题多而杂,包括创新人才培养模式,课程设置,专业改革和建设,具体教学研究、实训教学、校企合作、双师培养等。细究'人才培养的现状和问题'这一议题不难发现,各大高职院校均将'语言能力+商务知识+综合技能'列入其商务英语专业人才培养方案内,但反观实际,诸多高职院校在教学实践中偏离人才培养规划,'英语'专业成为培养的重点,大大忽略了'商务'专业的培养,造成了语言教育和学科知识相分离的态势。内容依托式教学法(Content-based Instruction,即CBI)提倡以学科内容为依托的语言教学模式。在这一模式下,教学重点不再是传统课堂内的词汇、语法、句型等语言知识,而是特定的学科知识。为了解决语言专业和商务知识的融合问题,笔者试图以'内容依托式教学法'为切入点,通过'商务礼仪'这一内容来探究高职商务英语专业人才培养问题的解决策略。
Business English majors(Vocational College),an inter-disciplinary outcome that fits into the needs of all-round talents,have been attracting extensive attention from scholars ranging from linguistics to commercial science. In the recent decade,an annual average 300 related articles have been accepted into CNKI,discussing a variety of topics like talent cultivation,curriculum reform,college-corporate collaboration and etc. As to the status quo of business English majors(vocational college) training,despite that most of the colleges regard linguistic proficiency,business knowledge and overall skills as the key to the training,in practice,much more attention has been paid to the training of English,rather than business,which has resulted in the separation between linguistic training and disciplinary training. Content-based Instruction(CBI in short) advocates that education be based on disciplinary knowledge. Under this methodology,great efforts have been made to improve professional knowledge in a certain area,rather than vocabulary,grammar or sentence patterns. In an aim to bridge the gap between linguistic training and business knowledge,the writer makes use of CBI to validate the effectiveness of CBI into the education of business etiquette to cultivate Business English majors in vocational college.
CUI Dan(School of Foreign Languages, Shandong Yingcai University, Jinan, Shandong, 250104, China)
Journal of Shandong Yingcai University
content-based instruction
Business English majors(in Vocational College)
business etiquette