

Online batch scheduling problem on uniform machines with agreeable processing times
摘要 研究了工件满足一致性,批容量无界的两台同类机在线分批排序问题,目标为极小化工件的最大完工时间和极小化工件的最大流程时间,三元素法分别表示为Q_2|r_i<r_j?p_i≤p_j,B=∞, on-line|C_(max),Q_2|r_i<r_j?p_i≥p_j,B=∞, on-line|F_(max).不失一般性,假设第一台机器速度为1,第二台机器速度为s,s≥1.对于上述两类问题设计了一个在线算法,并分析了算法竞争比的上界.对第一类问题该在线算法的竞争比不超过s+α,这里α为α~2+sα-1=0的正根,特别地,当s=1时,该算法的竞争比不超过1.618.对第二类排序问题,该在线算法的竞争比不超过1+1/α. We study the online batch scheduling problem on two uniform machines,where the batch capacity is unbounded.When the arrival times and the processing times of jobs are agreeable,two scheduling models whose objectives are to minimize the makespan and flow-time are developed and they are expressed as Q2|ri<rj?pi≤pj,B=∞,on-line|Cmax and Q2|ri<rj?pi≥pj,B=∞,on-line|Fmax.Without loss of generality,the speeds of the two machines are assumed to be 1 and s,s≥1.We propose an on-line algorithm and prove the competitive ratios of the algorithm are not more than s+αand 1+1/α,respectively,whereαis the positive root ofα2+sα-1=0.Moreover,for the former scheduling model,we prove that the competitive ratio of the algorithm is not more than 1.618,when s=1.
作者 彭南南 张玉忠 柏庆国 王成飞 PENG Nannan;ZHANG Yuzhong;BAI Qingguo;WANG Chengfei(Institute of Operations Research,School of Management,Qufu Normal University,Rizhao 276826,Shandong,China)
出处 《运筹学学报》 北大核心 2019年第1期111-118,共8页 Operations Research Transactions
基金 国家自然科学基金(Nos.11771251 71771138 71672166 71804089) 山东省自然科学基金(No.ZR2017MG009) 泰山学者工程专项经费
关键词 分批排序 在线算法 同类机 竞争比 一致性 batch scheduling online algorithm uniform machine competitive ratio agreeable processing time
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