三、聚合物钻井液的降粘曲线研究为了能较系统地研究聚合物钻井液的降粘规律,我们选用两种井浆[A浆为含6%膨润土和0.3%纯碱的淡水井浆;B浆为A浆再加200 mg/L PHPA (或80A51)的聚合物钻井液],分别加入14种常用的降粘剂,然后将体系的pH调至8.0~8. 5,测定其表观粘度η_a,绘出η_a对降粘剂浓度的变化曲线(降粘曲线)。试验结果可归纳为三种典型的降粘曲线。
The thinning mechanism of polymer mud was studied. The thinning effect is made by polycomplexation of hydrogen bond between thinners and other polymers. It was verified by ultraviolet spectroscopy, rheology measurements, pH titration and thermal effect of the coodination, etc. According to the different mechanism,it can be divided into three kind thinners,and their thinning curves are given respectively. The characteristics of copolymer thinners is specially given. It was studied by adsorption and rheology experiments of polymer solutions. Its thinning effects is composed of both traditional and the said hydrogen bond polycomplexation effect. It dosen’t affect the flocculation of polymer and the action of inhibiting clay dispersion.
Drilling Fluid & Completion Fluid